
Saturday, September 30, 2017

August Wrap Up 2017

Hello! First, let me just start by saying that I know that its the end of September. I had planned on doing this earlier this month but failed to do so because I suck! I still really wanted to post it though! Second, I have never done a wrap up on my blog before, this is my first! I have actually decided to start doing these every month now! Doing a review for every single book I read each month is just too time consuming and not exactly fun to me anymore! I have decided to only do reviews for books that I either really liked or disliked! No more 3 star book reviews basically!

Anyway, on to the wrap up! All Links lead to Goodreads if you'd like to know more about each book!

I read a total of 4 books in August! So it was a pretty normal reading month for me.

Six of Crows (Six of Crows, #1)
Crooked Kingdom (Six of Crows, #2)The first two books were a duology and that was Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom! I will be doing a review and discussion on these two books! I absolutely loved them! When It comes to hyped books, I always end up feeling slightly let down. They don't always live up to my expectations created by the buzz they carry. However these two far exceeded those expectations! I can now officially say Leigh Bardugo is my favorite author, there is no more doubt in my mind! I gave them 4.5 stars and 5 stars!

A Little Something Different

The third book was A Little Something Different by Sandy Hall. This was a very nice, fluffy book to read after having your heart crushed (so dramatic)! Its told from 14 (?) different perspectives who all "ship" this boy and girl and want them to be together and that's basically the whole plot. It was cute and I enjoyed it just fine! 3 Stars!

The Young Elites (The Young Elites, #1)

And the last book that I read was The Young Elites by Marie Lu! I really liked this book! It started out a bit slow at first and even was a little predictable at times! However, towards the end I was so invested in the main characters story and that ending just destroyed me! I just have so many feels about this book and I cant wait to read the second book in the trilogy! 4 Stars!

So that's my wrap up! A very nice reading month! I will be doing September's wrap up here in a few days! What  books did you read in August!?