
Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday

Yay! Time for Top Ten Tuesday! I missed out last Tuesday but I'm back this week! This feature is hosted over at The broke and the bookish and this week the topic is top ten things you wish to see more of in books!

  1. Stand alone books. Lately Ive been really enjoying books with no sequels, prequels, etc.
  2. Male protagonist. Well done male protagonist.
  3. siblings. books about siblings or just with some siblings in it.
  4. Parents. why are they never all over the place like mine are???
  5. Villains POV. That would be so interesting!
  6. Strong Friendships. No romance for once, just a beautiful, pure friendship!
  7. Diversity.
  8. Books about Marie Antoinette. I love her and want more books about her.
  9. Realistic romances. Something that I could see actually happening in my life.

What are some things you'd like to see more of in literature? leave me your lists!