
Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday

This feature is hosted over at The broke and the bookish and this week the topic is the opposite of last weeks! Things that make you NOT want to read a book! Those things that make you say "nope" and put the book back on the shelf  (no matter how pretty the cover is...)

1. Love triangles. 
I've had about enough of love triangles. I'm done with them.

2. Whiny characters.
And sadly this one you usually don't find out about until you're already 2 or 3 chapters in!

3. Books where character obsesses over boy who dumped them.

4. Bad boys. 
Sometimes okay. Other times annoying.

5. Sports.
I suck at them and don't really get them and don't really wanna read about them... sorry.

6. Love at first sight.
It's not love, it's lust! 

7. Naked people on the cover.
I like to take my books wherever I go and don't want people coming up to me to ask me if what I'm reading has sex in it. (When obviously it does...)

8. Contemporary YA.
I just don't really relate to it anymore. Some of it's still good but most plots are to high school for me.

9. Boring characters. 
I can't stand boring characters with no sense of humor or no friends. 

10. Characters being hung up on their love interest.
I hate reading about these characters that basically dump their friends for their new fling. Shitty!

Some of these might/ probably are similar but I was just trying to get to 10! What are some of your book turn offs?

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Review : Harry Potter and The Cursed Child

It was always difficult being Harry Potter and it isn’t much easier now that he is an overworked employee of the Ministry of Magic, a husband and father of three school-age children.

While Harry grapples with a past that refuses to stay where it belongs, his youngest son Albus must struggle with the weight of a family legacy he never wanted. As past and present fuse ominously, both father and son learn the uncomfortable truth: sometimes, darkness comes from unexpected places.

I wanted to do a fun book for my first review back and what better book that a Harry Potter book. I finally got around to reading the Harry Potter series while I was away and I fell in love! I can't believe it took me so long to read such an incredible series! Since finishing the series years ago, I had missing the wizarding world and when I heard that a new book was being released I got excited and skeptical. Especially when I saw that it was gonna be in play format and that two other writers had teamed up with J.k. Rowling. But I decided to not let that influence my thoughts going in to read the book. And honestly, it was a really good read! It was fun and quick and I loved seeing what all my favorite characters were up to now that they'd grown up! And surprisingly, it was a lot darker than I had expected! I was a little depressed with to see a certain relationship be so tense and troubled. But that honestly was what kept me hooked! I wanted to see how it was all gonna turn out at the end!

This book isn't like the other Harry Potter books. Being in play format, its not as detailed and a lot quicker to read than the other books. But if you already read the other books than you don't really need that for this story. This is basically just that! A story. And it was honestly very good and well done! If you're like I was and are skeptical, don't be! I genuinely enjoyed reading it! Going back to that world was strange yet perfect and I thank Rowling, Tiffany, and Thorne for taking me back again!

Rating: 7/10

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday

So to get back into the swing of things I decided for my first post to be a favorite feature of mine! 
This feature is hosted by The broke and the bookish !  

This weeks topic is things that make us instantly want to read a book! 

1. The cover. 
I know you're not suppose to judge a book by its cover but I can't help it! Some of the covers are so pretty that it instantly makes me put it on my tbr list!

2. Fairytale retellings. 
Who doesn't love a good fairytale retelling!

3. Sisters.
If it involves sisters, I'm interested!

4. Historical romance.
I'm gonna be honest... it's my favorite type of romance!

5. Dystopian settings.
I love a rebellion. And you know dystopian books always have some type of rebellion about to happen!

6. Werewolves 
I'm a sucker for werewolves. 

7. Big thick books. 
I love big books and I cannot lie

8. Love/hate romance. 
This is my favorite way for main characters to fall in love. It's so sweet and fun! 

9. Authors I've read before.
I love finding books from authors I've read before! Especially if I loved their last book!

10. Titles.
Clever or unique titles are the best!

Let's try this again...

So... if by any chance you read my last blog post ( you know, from like 4 years ago!) you'll see that I had the intention of working on my blog more. Well for a bunch of little reasons i just never did! Life gets in the way of your goals sometimes! But I can now say with certainty that I am back! I have missed my blog so much and missed the book community even more! I'll be posting reviews and participating in features as soon as I can! And if by some chance you still follow me, I love you and thank you so much for not unfollowing me!